Thomas Bartels ia a very talented German artists who loves to draw celebrities. One of the celebrities he has drawn is Bella Thorne. Follow him on twitter to see the latest drawings @Thom1983. Some of his Bella drawings are here
I have asked him to draw this picture and he did it! He also drew the steps so you can try to draw it too!
Bella recently hitted 1 Million followers on her twitter page (@bellathorne). To celebrate she is doing a special give-away on ther website here Special 1 Million Followers giveaway Congratulations Bella! You deserve it!
Bella got an Emmy nomination about the Disney Channel TTI (The Time I...) video where she talked about dyslexia. Disney sent her some flowers and a congratulations letter. Bella posted that picture on Instagram saying "Thank you Disney:)"
We have learned some details about Bella's new song. It's for a Disney Original Film called "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings". The film is about Tinker Bell who meets Periwinkle and ventures into the winter woods with her and Tinker Bell’s other friends to find the secret of fairy wings.
We don't know the name of the song but we can guess it is going to be a big hit!
Check out this just released blooper reel from Bella Thorne, Dylan Sprouse and Cole Sprouse’s Danimals commercial! In the commercial that they shot the Disney stars played volleyball and had a water balloon fight – and hilarity ensued with both sports! Check it out.